Thursday, September 4, 2008

Adorable Apple n' stuff

This artist, James Gurney, posts a challenge on his blog every Wednesday. He gives his readers a week to submit art based on whatever prompt he put forth. Two Wednesdays ago he put up a picture of a business card for some fruit growers, two brothers named Collier, and asked people to imagine the Collier Brothers. Pretty much all of the picture submissions had apples, but I looooove this one by "Honey P. Amplegood". It's ADORABLE.
The challenge the week before was to illustrate the quote, "The old man felt a tendril of anger rising". Probably my favorite from that week was this one by Antonio Aurajo. I love the style.
Anyway, it's a pretty cool blog. He has those weekly challenges and he usually posts general tips for artists and stuff. I love the challenges the best, though, because you can link right to the blogs of artists who catch your eye. :)

1 comment:

Rose Lane said...

I really like the apple one, especially the worm.